Category: Uncategorized

  • A Case Study

    Conflict-Handling Styles from–244390717266080533/ The conflict-handling style used in this scenario is competing. The result of competing is that one party gains the advantage over the other, causing a win-lose situation. The loser may be left in a difficult situation. The scenario matches the competing style. The options given to Robert’s team are beneficial to…

  • Stereotypes

    When we draw stereotypes, we come to a conclusion about a party without any evidence and grasp them. The majority of people know it is incorrect but no one can avoid stereotyping. I used to think that the one who admits his or her mistakes but does not change is stubborn. However, stereotyping is ingrained…

  • Johari Window

    Johari Windows with new friends with old friends Is this an accurate presentation of myself? I do not think this is an accurate presentation of myself. Several of the adjectives are definitely not me, but they’re considered unknown. I don’t know myself completely, nor do my close friends and family members. Our selections may be…

  • Shannon and Weaver’s Model (1949)

    Shannon and Weaver’s Model is incomplete. Communication is a complex process but Shannon and Weaver’s Model (1949) is too simple. The communication process has seven main elements, including sender, message, channel, receiver, feedback, context or setting and noise or interference. Source, transmitter, channel, receiver, and destination are the five basic components of Shannon and Weaver’s…

  • Introduction of Myself

    My name is Zow Xing Yi and I am 19 years old. There are fewer people who can spell and read my name correctly. There is someone who thinks I am Xin Yi. Someone read my surname as zow , when it is actually zaow. Click here to listen. Difference between Malaysia and Singapore I…

  • Hello World!

    I think it should be yellow. 🥺

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