Johari Window

  1. Johari Windows
    1. with new friends
    2. with old friends
  2. Is this an accurate presentation of myself?
  3. I am surprised by my friends’ perception of me.
  4. Self-awareness
  5. Communication in a Team
  6. Reference

Johari Windows

with new friends

with old friends

Is this an accurate presentation of myself?

I do not think this is an accurate presentation of myself. Several of the adjectives are definitely not me, but they’re considered unknown. I don’t know myself completely, nor do my close friends and family members. Our selections may be wrong. If there is a mistake, the Johari Window will not accurately portray a person. Moreover, I think some adjectives must consider the situation. An example of this is that I am confident sometimes but sometimes I am diffident. I am confident when speaking Chinese. I can speak aloud in front of many people and act like an extrovert. Nevertheless, when I communicate in English, I will stammer even when communicating with one person only. Should I call myself confident? As I am not always confident.

I am surprised by my friends’ perception of me.

I am surprised that my new friends feel I am mature. I don’t know whether it is because of my appearance or behavior. Since my hair is long, others think I look older than I actually am. Mature is the first word I want to talk about because no one has ever mentioned it to me before. Everyone including me thinks I am very childish. My game account name and telegram ID are Zoro’s lines. Zoro is a character in One Piece. I like to tease my younger brother and my friends. For instance, I wipe the disgusting gluey sanitizer on my friends’ necks, often tickling my brother and so on.

It is happy to know that my dad, Hua Ern and my best friend, Ann Ni think I am giving. I thought I was stingy. This giving is not about money I guess because I have not worked yet. Maybe it is emotional support, love or time. Ann Ni says a lot to me, sad or happy things and problems. I don’t know how to console her, but she always says I make her laugh when she is unhappy. I spend a lot of time with my family. We chat in the car, at the dining table, shopping, and in the kitchen. Even though I am not near them anymore, I text them every day. A picture of my lunch is sent, along with a funny joke I met at university. I tell them I made new friends with Cici and Wei Yu who both like to play games.


The Johari Window is useful for self-awareness. It can give me a better understanding of how others view me. The blind spot reveals many things about me that I didn’t know before. I reflected on the adjectives I saw in Johari Window. Everyone sees my cheerfulness whether they know me deeply or not. In my opinion, I am accepting enough, but Ann Ni does not think that is the case. In fact, I dislike admitting it.

Communication in a Team

Johari Window helps communicate in a team too. Completing the Johari Window is a way to share information about ourselves with others. We tell them how we think about ourselves. It is the first step to building trust. I was surprised to discover that Wei Yu and Cici think I am mature. Due to this, I asked them what the reason was. They said it was because of their impressions. I can give some useful opinions. After this, we chit-chatted for a while. This improved our relationship. When we talk about Johari Window, we practice active listening as well.


How the Johari Window Method Can Strengthen Team Communications and Trust ( (Viewed on 18/7/2023.)






7 responses to “Johari Window”

  1. Haoseng Avatar

    Hello Xing Yi, It is a pleasure to meet you. I like the way you presenting your blog post. It is very creative and informative. After reading the post, I believe that others will simply take any information we are ready to reveal openly and will never comprehend how we truly feel. Therefore, it is important to reduce your hidden section. I agree with you that Johari’s Window will help to communicate in a team. It allows the peers to understand each other more and it will help to reduce the conflict among one another’s. It is a great post and I gain a lot of knowledge by reading it!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Jtong Avatar

    Hi Xing Yi. Your blog post is clean, organised, and concise. Looking through your Johari window helps me know you better as a person. Even though I do not often talk to you, I agree with Cici and Wei Yu that you are a patient, knowledgeable, and organised person from my angle. However, I would describe you as sensible rather than mature.
    Johari Window is a useful tool to help us communicate better as a team. By using it, it helps us share information about ourselves with others and what others perceive about us.
    Overall, you have put in excellent effort in putting in pictures and writing the blog post. I am looking forward to reading your next blog post. Great job!

    – Aaron

    Liked by 1 person

  3. justinpoh1 Avatar

    Hey there Xing Yi! The way you wrote your blog was very clear and concise which made it easy for me to understand the concept of the Johari Window. I agree with your point that the first step to building trust is by opening up about yourself to others. Generally people will feel more comfortable when they know more about the other party which will in turn produce more effective and productive results. This is where the Johari Window is able to help in this process as it shows all the hidden and non-hidden traits that you have.

    Even though I do not know you personally, I feel that you are quite a matured and confident person through the way you wrote this blog. If all your friends wrote that about you, it must be true to a certain extent! Looking forward to reading your next post!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Lostforever Cici Avatar

    Hello, Xing Yi. First, your blog is fascinating, and the way you organized the blog post is super organized and logical. It is easy to follow. You covered all the areas and criteria lectures and readers are looking for in analyzing the Johari Window in a very detailed and obvious way. It indicates the high-level organizational skills you have. I like your point that the Johari Window is not an accurate presentation of a person because there are uncertainties and events dependent on situations. It is an excellent point that makes me reflect more, plunging into the Johari Window and myself. An awesome blog post overall.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Len Avatar

    Hi Xing Yi, no wonder your friends see you as an organized person. Even I can tell it by just reading this blog. You present it in a very creative way, and it is also easy to understand. I can relate to how you think some adjectives may depend on the situation. My friends also describe me confident where in fact I cannot say that I am always a confident person. It is true that we also don’t know 100% of ourselves and it is the same for other people. However, it is nice to know that you and your friends develop your friendships through Johari Window. Looking forward to your upcoming blogs. Best wishes!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. cyc921 Avatar

    Hi Xing Yi, I agree with on that sometimes people’s opinions towards us may differ from what we thought as we may act differently under different situations. For example, I might look confident when I am talking with someone I am familiar with but I get nervous when comes to presentations in front of strangers. I also appreciated that you can improve the relationships between them when doing the Johari Window. Although you might have disagreed with each other’s opinion during the discussion and it is okay, as everyone is unique in their own way. Also, it is really interesting when you can hear different versions of yourself from your friend’s perspective haha.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Jedi Asaf Avatar

    Hello there, Xing Yi. Your characteristic is seen in your innovative presentation and simple writing style. I understand how some adjectives might change based on the situation. My friends, for example, describe me as confident, even if I don’t always feel that way. It is true that none of us fully understands ourselves, and the same holds true for how others view us. Nonetheless, it’s encouraging to hear that you and your pals have fostered your friendships using the Johari Window. I’m looking forward to your future blog postings. Best wishes on your writing adventure!

    Liked by 1 person

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